ABSTRACT NUMBER: (NESTAC_04) AUTHORS Sherilyn Chew1 David Hamilton2 AFFILIATIONS Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University1 ENT Department, Freeman Hospital2 CORRESPONDING AUTHOR CONTACT EMAIL ku.ca.eltsacwen@1wehc.S ku.ca.eltsacwen@notlimah.divaD MAIN ABSTRACT TEXT Background The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) states that CT thorax is not required in patients with primary T1/T2 laryngeal cancer. Smoking is a…
Failure of Stoma Acceptance in Functional Bowel Patients
ABSTRACT NUMBER: NESTAC_03 AUTHORS A. Bean, A. Read, A. Sharpe, S. Plusa AFFILIATIONS Colorectal Surgical Unit, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne CORRESPONDING AUTHOR CONTACT EMAIL ku.ca.eltsacwen@1naeb.a MAIN ABSTRACT TEXT Introduction Stoma formation can be necessary to treat severe constipation and incontinence, but failure of stoma acceptance means reversal,…
The Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre – Northumbria Healthcare Link, a Roadmap for Global Laparoscopic Surgery
ABSTRACT NUMBER: NESTAC_02 AUTHORS Miss Bronwyn Woodburn, Miss Oroog Ali, Miss Imogen Cullen, Mr Ryan Ghita, Mr Alastair Hayes, Mr Duncan Light, Miss Kirsty McVey, Mr Fadlo Shaban, Dr Kondo Chilonga, Mr Liam Horgan AFFILIATIONS • Bronwyn Woodburn and Imogen Cullen: Newcastle University, Newcastle, U.K. • Oroog Ali, Alastair Hayes, Duncan Light, Kirsty McVey, Fadlo…
A Review of the Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (HMB) at Sunderland Royal Hospital (SRH)
ABSTRACT NUMBER: NESTAC_01 AUTHORS Umar R1, Gudipati M2 AFFILIATIONS 1Medical Student, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne. 2Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecologist, Sunderland Royal Hospital, Sunderland. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR CONTACT EMAIL ku.shn.tfshc@itapidug.ivadham MAIN ABSTRACT TEXT Background • HMB affects one quarter of women of reproductive age and is one of the most common referrals to secondary care. •…