Pybus Lecture & NESS/NESTAC Scientific Day 2022

Friday 29th April 2022 I 13:00 – 17:00 BST
Join us for our online version of the annual Pybus Lecture and NESS/NESTAC Scientific Day.
This is an excellent opportunity for juniors with an interest in surgery to get an overview of what trials and research there is going on in the region and how to get involved. There will then be the chance for undergrads, juniors and SpRs to present their latest research at a regional meeting, with three prizes up for grabs.
We have an illustrious international Pybus speaker this year Dr Alice Wei from MSK, USA.
The Pybus Lecture “Regionalisation of Care and Quality Improvement in Surgery”
The event will be held over Zoom – link to be sent out at a later date.
1:00 – Introduction & NESTAC update – John Moir
1:10 – NIHR opportunities in the North East – Bob Slight
1:30 – Writing up and presenting research – tips and tricks – TBC
1:50 – Foundation Trainee Surgical Society (FTSS) opportunities – Corey Chan
2:00 – Newcastle University Surgical Society (NUSS) opportunities – TBC
2:10 – Parallel abstract sessions (NESTAC/NESS/Feggetter medals)
3:50 – Break
4:00 – Pybus lecture – Regionalization of care and surgical quality for complex cancer surgery – Alice Wei, HPB Surgeon, MSK New York
5:00 – Prize announcements and close

The Pybus Lecture
Alice Wei, HPB Surgeon, MSK New York
Regionalization of care and surgical quality for complex cancer surgery
We have an illustrious international Pybus speaker this year Dr Alice Wei from MSK, USA.